Saturday, April 18, 2009


I decided to recreate a new blog [although no one knew my old one anyways] due to the inefficiency in using an email that was not gmail. 
I guess the idea of leaving to go up north really began to hit me today. Many of the friends I made in the past four years I will probably never come across again in the future. Although this seemed inevitable, I hated the mere idea of it and was striving to change that for the past month. But now, I've come to a point where I really have given up. 
Looking back on my previous years, I remember hating the fact of people going in and out of my life. However, I now learned to appreciate those who have stayed there for me. As I counted those who I really could trust now, not even a handful come to mind. 
So, this is for my four closest friends:
thank you.

Aside from these detrimental thoughts plaguing my mind, on a happier note!
I've really come to see Berkeley in a new light from my visit during the past weekend. I still remembered the place as I first went there four years ago; however, this time my feelings were completely different. Whether it was the newfound joy of being completely independent and away from my parents or the growth I have experienced in the last years of high school, I came to the conclusion of Berkeley being liveable. I doubt it's the latter, so obviously my conclusion about college is that I'll probably be happy anywhere my parents aren't d;
Given the fact that I won't be able to see/talk to everyone on a daily basis anymore, I believe this blog can serve the purpose of updating.

"The starting point of all achievement is desire" Napoleon Hill


  1. hey josh. cool you made a new blog too. ahah yeah, i had to make one for the same reason.

    well i just came back from berkeley. dude, i still don't like it haha. it was really different, and i don't like the campus as much as i like UCLA's. i'll go write a blog entry about my journey later eheh

  2. I also disliked the idea of people coming in and out of my life in my high school life.
    I wish you good luck and hope that Berkeley will be the new light in your life for the next 4 years.
    You will always be my good friend who I met in first period four years ago.
