Sunday, April 26, 2009


This past week AP Literature was pretty chill, we didn't really go beyond anything past mere discussions due to the shortened periods (yay!) . However, I think the most ironic thing is that I learned the most out of this past week in my AP Literature class. I've been an avid anti-reading person during my years in high school. Whether it was my laziness or my lack of self-control to sit through an entire book, I never completely read& finished more than 5 books in the entirity of my high school English courses. This isn't something to be proud of & I'm not boasting of my achievements made without reading. Rather, my dearth of reading has caused me quite a struggle throughout my humanity courses in high school. Due to my poor pool of vocabulary, I was unable to write long essays coherently.
 I never believed reading literature could bring knowledge (stupid, I know) instead I believed all the knowledge, well all the applicable knowledge, that we needed was attainable through the experiences we have, the interactions we have with our surrounding world. However, this past week I have been completely mute in my AP Lit class. Without any breadth of books to share, the dicussions were rocketed back and forth by my fellow classmates. Although none of the books were amazingly different, my astonishment laid on the fact that almost everyone read on their own, for fun. 
Nonetheless, stubborn as I am, I still believe that the majority of works we are forced to read throughout our high school courses are pointless. I still have a long way to go before I believe studying the way English poets conceive their poems will aide us in any manner. Aside from the fact that I have to begin to read in college (yuck) I plan on maybe reading some works of literature over the summer. 

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