Saturday, June 20, 2009


I've been really having fun lately. Taiwan and everything is a blast :) totally different, totally free; all in all it has been really exciting.

Today kind of hit me, all the time riding bicycles down and not really understanding what they were talking about, I just thought.

I thought about what I talked to Emily the day before also. I concluded I am a horrible person, deal with it. I'm kind of sick of people thinking I am always going to be nice, always sweet. The things I do, the things I say, I know they seem really questionable at times, but I always have a reason. If your too dumb to know that I plan everything out about my life, than just please leave and stop wasting my time. I love my friends but I am a serious asshole to people I don't like. I don't really care anymore, if you think you know my intentions for something, you're probably wrong. I think the people that are closest to me know all my mistakes, probably lived through them with me, and yet they still stuck. I really think it's the friends I have that allow me to still have some goodness inside of me. I am a hypocrite. I know. I can change that without your judgements.
A falling tree doesn't need more axes to cut it down, it needs support to get upright again. This past year I've been through a lot, if you brought an axe, please just gtfo.

People who read this probably cannot relate, cause it isn't about you.

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