Saturday, June 27, 2009


so i've only got one week left to play in taiwan. it has rather been quite exhilerating going out everyday in the morning and coming home pretty late at night. but after two weeks straight of this, i think i'm slowly running out of energy. i bought new stuff, saw things i never will again, met friends that i haven't met in so long. i really had time to reflect today on why i had chosen this one brother as my hero, the one guy i truly look up and admire his characteristics, the boy i met three years ago. he hasn't changed at all these past years that i've been in america. ahah it's quite interesting how we are such different people and yet whenever we meet up we can talk for the longest time as if we had known each other for years. i believe he emodies all the characteristics that i long to have. well i'll probably write more next week when i'm back in america; i'm pretty worn out so time to nap !

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